Hanna has a background working in administration and helps to keep us on track. Her main passion is anything artisitic and handy, and supporting Black in White has renewed her interest in poetry.
Debbie is our HR expert and enjoys solving people problems. She's a bit of a wordsmith herself, and writes poems too, giving her an excellent perspective on the work we do at Black in White.
Underpinned by her own experiences of racism, Sarah believes in the power of education to gain and impart knowledge. A social worker by profession, she is a keen networker, helping to promote Black in White and organise our events
As a communications professional, Marcia has worked at Director-level roles in the NHS and in local authorities. She bring her expertise to bear by helping to promote Black in White and share our message.
Denyse is an administrator, who has served on school PTAs, as a school governor and as a steeband chairperson. She is an events guru, running successful events for many organisations, including Black in White.
With his expertise as a project manager within the corporate IT/Telecoms arena, David helps to ensure our plans are robust. He enjoys turning his hand to other aspects of our work, and has even read a poem at one of our events.
Serena served 13 years as a police constable. She now writes poems addressing some of the social issues she witnessed during her policing career. She hopes to ignite important conversations and inspire the next generation.
All Rights Reserved | Transforming Words Ltd t/a Black in White